Studies show that just 20% of UK workers are happy at work and that almost half would like to change career, with 21% hoping to make that change in the next 12 months.
For many, the motivation to change career is that what they do in their day job makes no meaningful contribution to the world. This suggests that making money has become less important to them as making an impact.
13 years ago, I was one of those people and when I ditched my successful corporate London career, sold my Chelsea pad and moved to Melbourne, Australia to retrain as a hypnotherapist, some people thought I’d lost my mind. The truth is that it was having hypnotherapy in my mid-twenties that helped me identify that I was not happy with my life, including my job. It also helped me realise what was most important to me – it gave me the confidence to pursue it!
Back then, there weren’t many people that I knew making such drastic moves to change their career, but career change statistics now suggest that the average person will be making a career change approximately 5-7 times during their working life.
How things have changed!
I believe that people have come to realise that there is no longer such a thing as ‘job security’ and that in fact, these days the only real security is in developing our knowledge, skills and abilities so that we have more value to offer our employers or our clients.
I have trained in many things: Human Resources Management, Business, Leadership, Management, Psychotherapy, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Coaching and even Traditional Chinese Medicine and Shiatsu! However, it was the decision to train as a Hypnotherapist that has been the most useful in everything I have done since I made that decision at the age of 29!
Not only did it enable me personally to make a significant life-change and to get out of the corporate trap, but the knowledge and skills it gave me enabled me to build a successful private practice, to create and develop the leadership infrastructure and team to build a national business network, to write a successful business book, to advise on two company boards and to make a meaningful impact in my work as a business coach and mentor, helping small business owners to build successful businesses and create the lifestyle they want.
Tamsen Garrie is a director of several successful businesses; enACT Masterminding, Inspired To Change, Mental Health in The Workplace and Alpha Associates. Tamsen is the author of multi 5* Amazon reviewed book The Act of Attraction in Business, is a speaker, mentor and trainer. She has a background in HR and is a highly qualified hypnotherapist and business coach.