Hypnotherapy Supervisor's

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Hypnotherapy Supervision

Supervision is an enormously important part of being a Hypnotherapist or any kind of therapist. Professional Hypnotherapy Associations will set a minimum number of supervision sessions they expect their members to have per year. Carried out in either a group or one-to-one setting, supervision encourages Hypnotherapists to reflect on their work with their clients. It can be used to explore ways of doing things better and helps verify what they’re doing to provide the very best for their clients. 

Becoming a Supervisor is a natural step in a Hypnotherapist’s career so that they can use their own experience to help other Hypnotherapists do their very best job for their clients. This is where CPHT’s Solution Focused Supervision for Hypnotherapy Diploma Course comes in. Once you have been awarded both your Diploma in Solution Focused Hypnotherapy (DSFH) and your Hypnotherapy in Practice Diploma (HPD) and have gained a number of years of experience working as a Hypnotherapist, you can sign up for the Solution Focused Supervision for Hypnotherapy Diploma (SFSHD) Course, otherwise known as the Hypnotherapy Supervisor’s Course.

Similar to the Advanced Hypnotherapy Diploma (AHD), the Hypnotherapy Supervisor’s Course has been accredited by the NCFE as having measurable learning outcomes that have been benchmarked at Level 5 using Ofqual’s Qualification and Credit Framework (QCF) level descriptors.

What will you learn on our Supervisor's course?

Why should you choose CPHT?

Help Other Hypnotherapists

Being a Supervisor can be enormously rewarding. Not only do you watch other therapists build their careers but you also get them to help their clients.

Build Your Skills Base

Many of the skills required for Supervision are the same as for hypnotherapy, but some are completely different. Working with a supervisee feels very distinct to working with a client.

Greater Work Diversity

Once you are a qualified Supervisor you can mix up your working week by not only working with clients but also working with supervisees.

Next Course Dates

The next Hypnotherapy Supervisor’s Course Sup11 is scheduled for:

Saturday 16th / Sunday 17th November 2024, with completion set for 22nd February 2025.

To apply for this course, or for more information, please contact Alex Brounger on 07917 415926 or sup@cpht.co.uk.

The CPHT Hypnotherapy Supervisor’s Course is open to all CPHT Graduates who hold the DSFH and HPD and are not affiliated to a non-CPHT Hypnotherapy school. In addition, you must have at least 3 years of experience working as a hypnotherapist, be up to date with your own supervision, and have a supervisor who is willing to support your application.

Do you wish to register for the Hypnotherapy Supervisor’s Course but are not CPHT trained? We have a solution – you may be suitable for our Solution Focused Hypnotherapy Conversion Course. See further details here.

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