At the CPHT, we pride ourselves on keeping up to date with the latest research from neuroscience and believe that we lead the way in this regard. Two of the fastest-growing areas in psychotherapy and medicine are SF work and Brain-Based Therapy.
Research now provides more and more evidence to support the theory that our subconscious minds can’t tell the difference between imagination and reality. We know this to be true from our own personal experience – the more we dwell negatively on our problems, the bigger those problems feel and the more negative, anxious or angry we become. While we consciously know the difference between imagination and reality, our brain responds as if the events we are thinking about are happening right now and we get a related and often negative physical and emotional response. Think what happens if you imagine sucking on a lemon right now, for example, making the thought as clear in your mind as you can. I’m salivating just by typing those words!
As Solution-Focused Hypnotherapists, we help our customers to turn this around, supporting them to focus on how they want things to be and creating a positive image of this in their minds. Our students learn about the fascinating brain-based research behind this and the highly effective therapy techniques that have emerged from the growing understanding of how our brains work. They also learn how to explain this to clients in a succinct and inspiring way, so that their customers regain a real sense of control over their own emotions and behaviours.
After graduation, the Clifton Practice encourages therapists to keep their skills up to date through sessions with their highly training Supervisors and by attending their Continual Professional Development programme. New courses are frequently added to keep the content relevant and up to date.
The Clifton Practice also now offer an Advanced Hypnotherapy Diploma, accredited by the NCFE at a level 5. After 3 years of successful practice, Clifton Practice Graduates are eligible to join this Advanced Diploma programme, something that will really set them apart from others in the field.