There still remains a lot of mystery and myth around Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy. The fact remains that good quality scientific evidence is building and continuing to support this talking therapy.
This research is showing that it is an effective way to help people cope with a wide range of symptoms and conditions. Fortunately, many people are looking beyond the nonsense and focusing on this evidence.
Train with us and the people you work with may well say the following to you:
1. Hypnotherapy has helped me sleep better
Good sleep is a cornerstone for good health. By entering into a meditative or hypnotic trance state, we are effectively practicing the precursor stages of sleep. This means when it comes to bedtime we are better able to drift off. Hypnosis also replicates the same processes that take place during Rapid Eye Movement (REM) in sleep, which means we can have less REM sleep during the night. Having too much REM sleep at night can wake us up, resulting in a disturbed sleep pattern.
If clients sleep well they will find it easier to maintain a healthy weight, cope with stress better and wake feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day.
2. Hypnotherapy has helped make me more confident
Hypnosis can help release us from fear (even if we don’t recognise it as such) and gain access to the solution-finding brilliance of the intellectual brain. This results in feelings of confidence and empowerment as we become better adept at coping with life’s challenges.
Self-doubt slips away as it becomes easier to do those positive things that result in the release of natural feel good chemicals in the brain. Don’t just survive… thrive!
3. Hypnotherapy has helped me become less irritable
Irritability, or flashes of anger, result from an over activation of the amygdala in the brain. Hypnosis encourages the amygdala to calm down which become less trigger happy. This means we are less likely to have these moments.
4. Hypnotherapy has helped me feel more energetic:
Hypnosis activates the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest response) which, in very basic terms, is the opposite to the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight response). The rest and digest response is, broadly speaking, regenerative or energy giving. The fight flight response is generally energy sapping.
By accessing a state of hypnosis, we restore our natural balance between these two parts of the nervous system. Better energy is a lovely side affect of this.
5. Hypnotherapy has helped me gain control over…
People often suggest they do not like the idea of hypnosis and hypnotherapy because it involves giving up control of their mind to someone else. This is complete nonsense. In fact, Dr. David Spiegel, Associate Chair of Psychiatry at Stanford University School of Medicine suggests:
“…hypnosis is not mind control. It’s a naturally occurring state of concentration; it’s actually a means of enhancing your control over both your mind and your body.”
6. Hypnotherapy has helped me think more clearly
A relaxed mind is a clear mind. By entering into a state of focused attention (hypnosis) our mind can relax and put our worries and fears to one side for a little while. Our primitive mind, or limbic system, becomes less active enabling resources to be sent to those areas of the brain which are better able to come up with solutions. This allows us to consider our worries and troubles from a different perspective. This gives the brain space and time to find its own solutions.
7. Hypnotherapy has made me more positive
Anything can be improved through practice. Positivity is no different. A good hypnotherapist (which you will become by training with CPHT) will want their clients to practice being positive. Consequently we can more readily identify the good things that are going on in our lives.
8. Hypnotherapy has improved my relationship with my parent/child/partner…
Relationships driven by irritability, lack of sleep and negativity are rarely good ones! Primitive brain responses to our loved one’s comments and actions (or lack of) do not lead to a positive relationship either. Worse, sometimes we can be so lost in our own previous patterns of behaviour we do not notice when it is us that is being the bad guy.
By accessing our intellectual capacity more frequently, through hypnotherapy, we are better able to manage disagreements, keep things in perspective and work towards conversations that work for everyone.
9. I enjoy coming to see you!
Modern therapy should be enjoyable. We learn better when we are in a positive and relaxed frame of mind and modern therapy is often about learning new ways of doing, thinking and interacting. Hypnosis itself certainly should be a positive and enjoyable experience if we are to get the most out of it.
10. I feel younger (and you’ll probably think they look it too!)
Okay, so I have to be a bit careful what I say here, especially as I am not aware of any studies which have actually proved this. However, I can say with complete confidence that people who come to see me for their last session typically look younger than they did when they came to see me for their first session! It can probably put down to getting benefit from reasons 1-9 above.
Would you like to train to be Hypnotherapist?
If encouraging the above life improvements in other people (and yourself) appeals to you then why not contact us for more information about training to become a Hypnotherapist. You may well be very surprised at how you can help people and by how much!