The Modern Stress Epidemic

a mother with 2 children climbing on her

The epidemic of modern life is stress

We came across an article by Deepak Chopra recently that made a lot of sense. It’s almost identical to what we’ve been saying for years:

“If an epidemic is defined as a disease that affects whole populations, without having a medical cure, then the epidemic of modern life is stress”.

We also read an article by a journalist craving to ‘escape life for a while’ and she’d found a weekend free in her busy diary in which to do so.  Turns out it was the only weekend she had free in over two months!

We can jump on our soapbox at this point, because what Deepak was talking about is a very serious situation and, in the main, created by ourselves.

Not giving ourselves proper timeout leads to stress, which in turn leads to a breakdown of the body’s internal balance.  If the stress isn’t relieved, damage occurs. Serious damage within us!

Many people we see as clients are suffering from things like insomnia. They might say that they’re not stressed, they just can’t sleep.  That’s because their brains have gradually become used to an increase in external pressure of whatever sort it might be.

The progression of stress

Ongoing stress reveals itself in various stages:

  1. Minor things like feeling mentally tired or perhaps under pressure from work.
  2. Then follows a behaviour change, such as a change of behaviour within work or relationships. Sometimes we see people turning to alcohol in order to escape pressure or stress. But as stress mounts the drinking can get heavier, the need for distraction more severe.
  3. Eventually chronic stress leads to physical damage.  Stomach aches, bad digestion and headaches are likely. So is reduced immune response, leading to more colds, worsened allergies and we don’t even want to mention COVID! After that, the problems will tend to be associated with inflammation, such as skin eruptions, irritable bowel syndrome, even a heart attack or stroke. By this stage, the damage caused by stress has led to serious system breakdown.

What’s interesting is when someone presents at the clinic with any of the above, they feel that this is happening to just them.  When we explain this is simply how the brain works, given certain circumstances, you can see the relief is huge.  They usually reply with something like: “What, it’s not just me then”?  It’s at this point we laugh and reply  “Oh no, it’s most definitely not just you”.

Learning how the brain works

When we teach our students how the brain works, we see pennies dropping like it’s going out of fashion.  Light bulb moments relating not only to themselves, but friends, family and work colleagues too.  As a course graduates, we always get great feedback and within that feedback can always be heard: “This course is life-changing”.

Interestingly, it’s not just life-changing for the student, but all their case study volunteers over the 10-months of training and then all the future clients they will see over the coming years.

Neuroscience And How The Brain Works

two peoples head filled with cogs

A great advantage we have in Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy is that we explain to a client, how the brain works, and how this is reflected in the symptoms or difficulties they are experiencing.

The brain is an extraordinarily complex organ but for the purposed of our explanation, it can be considered as two parts:

There is the intellectual brain, which sets us apart from the other animals and is usually positive. But we also have a part of the brain that has not changed since caveman times – the primitive emotional mind. Many of our difficulties lie in the balance between these two parts of the brain.

The intellectual mind is logical and positive and when we are operating in this part of the brain, we are positive, confident, happy and we make good choices. But the primitive brain, because its job is to protect us, can have a strong negative influence on our thoughts and actions.

If the primitive part of the brain perceives that we are in some sort of danger, or crisis, it will step in to help us. Faced with real danger, the primitive mind will put us into ‘fight or flight’ and changes will happen to our physiology – the heart will race, stomach churn, we will go sweaty – and we will run away. And that would be appropriate, under the circumstances.

But this can sometimes happen in life when we are overworked, stressed and it can gradually build up until the primitive mind misreads this and provokes the ‘fight or flight’ when there is nothing to fight or to run away from !

This causes us to undergo the physiological changes in the body but it doesn’t help, and in fact makes us feel pretty uncomfortable. We know that long term stress can cause a threat to our physical health.

Explaining how the brain works gives the client an understanding of what is happening to them. They can see that what they are experiencing can be explained as a normal response to stress, or to other life event(s).

Further explanation demonstrates to clients of how Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy works, and it shows them that they can take control of their lives to provide hope, optimism, and confidence for a way forward.

How A Student Put Her Training Into Practice & Lost 50lbs

someone showing extreme weight loss with baggy jeans

Yesterday, our latest class graduated. They had been a superb class and had moved from face-to-face classes one a weekend month to Zooming in online due to the COVID crisis. They took it in their stride and we were all pretty amazed at how well the final three course weekends went. It was rather emotional as each student described their experience of the course and the following blog post is just one of the stories:

Hello, my name is Leeza McCarragher, a mum to a wonderful 2-year old boy and a recent graduate from CPHT in June 2020.

When I started my journey to become a Clinical Hypnotherapist, I never imagined my life would change the way it did!  I’ll start at the beginning…

I’ve always wanted to help people, even as a research scientist focusing on the biochemical pathways in breast cancer, I felt I was putting my little piece into the jigsaw that is the cure for cancer. That feeling I had of getting a little bit closer to a potential cure does not even compare to the feeling I now have as a Clinical Hypnotherapist! Even when I started my own complementary therapy business in 2014, I still felt something was missing. It wasn’t until I went online looking at potential courses when CPHT jumped out at me – that was the night that changed my life.

So, September last year arrived, the first month of the course, and I eagerly made my way to class. I was filled with a nervous excitement. I had read that the course was a mix of fun and learning and I could not wait to see if that really was the case! Well that was quickly confirmed by the smiling and exuberant faces of both Alex and Jennifer – “wow this must really work, look how happy they are!”

Off we started, my fellow students and I, immediately thrown into a fascinating explanation about how the brain works and we were soon practicing language scripts on each other – all on the first weekend!

“I quite like the sound of this, I can really see myself doing this!” It quickly dawned on me that this was the mix of science and helping people that I craved, that this was my missing piece of my own jigsaw.  As part of our first month’s homework we had to practice the relaxation scripts on friends and family and before I knew it, I was beginning to feel much more positive and motivated. Was it because I was enjoying the course so much with a wonderful bunch of supportive fellow students (a simple explanation you could surmise)? Or maybe, just maybe the language patterns were embedding themselves in my own subconscious? Either way, I found myself being more passionate and more motivated.

Over the next few months, we built upon our knowledge and understanding of how the brain works, paying particular attention to the positive aspects of life. I was now practicing on members of the public as case studies and encouraging them towards the most positive and happy life they craved. But it wasn’t only the clients that were benefiting from this wonderful process, something began to change in me, I noticed that I too was becoming happier, more positive and more active. I began to feel this motivated energy that I can only explain as being high on happiness. I no longer procrastinated over the simplest things – I fell in love with life again! Don’t get me wrong, I always considered myself to be happy but in comparison to how I feel today, I wasn’t even close.

I hid behind my weight. I had my little boy when I was 42 and blamed my weight gain on the fact that I was an older mum and perhaps even in the early stages of perimenopause. I accepted my new post-pregnancy body, with reluctance, and I even accepted every excuse I could come up with to the fact that I would never lose the baby weight. It wasn’t long into the course when I began to realise why I was thinking and making excuses the way I did and that this negative thinking was what was keeping me fat. It was my light-bulb moment!  And sure enough, it wasn’t long before I was making healthier food choices and snacking far less.

This new found knowledge and motivational energy, coupled with listening to my own relaxation hypnosis recording every evening before sleep, had me finding the solutions I needed to change my life with no struggle at all because it all made so much sense. I addressed the lack of exercise by enrolling the help of my little sister, where we both decided to lose our baby weight together by setting ourselves a target of walking 12k steps per day – approximately 6.5 miles (and as I type this I have just completed 130 days of meeting and exceeding this target with no day off – if that isn’t positive motivation I don’t know what is!)

But the most obvious change to me, was that I found myself playing more energetically with my son, be it playing football outside in our back garden or chasing him around the house. There is no doubt whatsoever that he is loving this newer, brighter and more positive mummy!

We were taught about the 3 Ps during the course – positive thoughts, positive actions and positive interactions, that would give rise to a healthy flow of serotonin. This is needed in order to live a more positive and happier life. My positive thoughts around healthy food, my positive actions in terms of walking more and my positive interactions with my little sister is truly what turned my life around. I lost 50lbs within 4 months and continue to do so.

Enrolling with CPHT transformed my life both mentally and physically and I can’t thank the course tutors and my wonderful classmates enough for helping me on this amazing journey. I now help others through my new found knowledge and experience, either through one-to-one sessions or running weight management classes.

They say a picture speaks 1000 words, I’ll let you decide….

Leeza McCarragher – Spirit Of Calm Hypnotherapy

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