Naomi Deaville
Senior Lecturer

Naomi Deauville, Senior Lecturer at CPHT Hypnotherapy Training
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“I’m Naomi and after ten years in further education watching so many students struggle with stress, anxiety, depression and low self esteem, I decided to add some new tools to my teaching toolbox. I wanted to know if there was anything else I could do to help my students to succeed, not just academically, but in life as well.

I’ve also struggled with depression myself and found that while drugs helped, I wanted to better understand my own mind, so I could try to fix the problem at the source, rather than just treating the symptoms. I had the standard NHS offer of counselling too. So a while back, I started looking for ideas and I remembered a very positive experience I had around 17 years ago…

I have two children, well, I say children, they aren’t so little anymore. After a pretty straightforward pregnancy the first time around, I had a very difficult delivery. In the end, we both came out pretty much unscathed, physically that is. But I had nightmares for months afterwards, and a bad bout of depression. I’d just about got back to something like normal, when I found out I was expecting baby number two and suddenly the nightmares were back and I was really struggling again. My midwife was lovely, but not much help. When I voiced my concerns about how difficult I was finding this second pregnancy in terms of my mental health, I was met with pretty much a shrug of the shoulders.

So I went hunting on my own. I stumbled across a company selling hypnobirthing CDs. Far too embarrassed to admit that I was desperate enough to try such mumbo-jumbo, I bought a CD and used it only when I was in the house on my own. To my amazement, I started sleeping better and felt much less scared about the prospect of giving birth again. When the time came, I delivered a very large baby boy with much more ease than my smaller daughter. Remembering the difference that CD made was the spark that ignited this whole journey.

The more I looked into hypnotherapy, the more it felt useful. Solution Focused Hypnotherapy really stood out though. The combination of science, empowerment of the client and the positive ethos appealed. And so here I am, a successful hypnotherapist and Senior Lecturer at CPHT, using my new knowledge to help all sorts of people live life more positively, whatever their reason for coming. It’s a brilliant job and I love it.”

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